FIA partner, the KCK Chamber Legislative Committee and Board Members, met with Topeka officials to discuss the 2019 Legislative Agenda which includes proposing legislative change for a phase in process to the Property Tax Appraisal.
As most of you know, last year many property owners in Fairfax experienced 50-80% increases on their property appraisals resulting in a 50-80% increase in their taxes paid in one year. This proposal is to help prevent something like this from happening again.
If you aren’t a member of the KCK Chamber, please consider becoming one by clicking here. They are a valuable partner to FIA and for businesses in Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS.
FIA also encourages you as a chamber member to attend these monthly legislative committee meetings. Your business voices need to be heard. This is a great platform for businesses to say this government regulation/law isn’t working and what would work better.
The legislative committee meets the second Friday each month 9am-10:30am. Put it on your calendar!