After a one-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the 6th annual Fairfax Festival was held at Kaw Point Park on Oct 7, 2021. In addition to the usual live music, beer & wine garden, local food, raffles, lawn game tournament and historical boat rides, we were excited to have the North American B25-D Mitchell Bomber plane at the festival.
Festival attendees also had the opportunity to meet the B-25-D pilots, as the spirit of Rosie was alive and well at the festival. Special thanks to our sponsors, festival committee, Fairfax Drainage District crew, the B-25 History Project, Yankee Air Museum and all those who made this day a celebration of the Fairfax community! It would not have been made possible without your dedication and support.
Rosie is Back! Historical Plane Takes to the Skies
There was an exclusive FIA VIP Media Event sponsored by the KCK Chamber of Commerce welcoming the B25-D home to Kansas City, Kansas on October 4, 2021 at the Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport. Festival attendees also had the opportunity to meet the flight crew as well as experience the exclusive flyover at the festival.
In the News:
This VIP event received much press coverage and we compiled the segments in this playlist.
The event was also featured in the Kansas City Star (click here) and Flatland, a Kansas City PBS’ digital magazine.
Thank you to B-25 History Project and Yankee Air Museum for helping us bring back this historical plane back to Kansas City.
Winners at the Festival
From the lawn tournament to the raffle drawings, we had some winners at the festival. Kyle Moeller (L) and Brennan Wiest (R) from Plastic Omnium took the winner’s circle for the lawn game tournament.
Raffle Drawings: Congrats to Celeste Lupercio as she won the AirPods Pro in our social media contest and Renee Hadley of Hilton Garden Inn who won the flat screen TV for the business card contest.