FIA wants to let everyone know that KDOT is planning to mill and fill the WB I-70 exit ramp to NB Fairfax Trafficway to smooth out the rough spots once winter weather is behind us, asphalt plants start opening for the upcoming construction season, and equipment necessary to perform the maintenance action is scheduled.
KDOT maintenance forces do not have a timetable for the work yet but will let FIA know when they have everything lined up and ready to perform the maintenance action. Thank you to Chris Rutan with Hyspeco for photos and making FIA aware!
Please report any state roads connecting to the Fairfax District (ramps into and out of, K5, US169) issues to Melissa Clark with FIA so we can report to KDot or MODot.
Please report any potholes, road issues, code violations or streetlight issues within the Fairfax District here: