We need to share an important update with you. The Kansas City Kansas Fire Department is advancing a proposal to adjust the Fire / EMS response in the Fairfax Industrial Area (FIA). Under the proposed changes, FIA would continue to be covered by Fire and EMS services within the four-minute guidelines of the National Fire Protection Association, while increasing the total number of personnel responding to incidents.
The Unified Government and KCKFD are committed to providing high-quality, responsive emergency services to Fairfax. The UG is also committed to ensuring that tax dollars are used in the most effective and efficient way possible, so as not to unduly burden residential and commercial taxpayers.
Fire Station #5, located at 910 Quindaro Blvd, Kansas City, Kansas 66101, currently provides the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) response in FIA. Station #5 would continue to provide the EMS transport response to FIA and would become the first responding station for a Fire response in FIA.
What you need to do: If you have any concerns with this proposal, please contact Melissa Clark by Monday, 4/13/2020
Here’s the full proposal:
This sounds like a terrible idea!!!
There are many concerns that I have. Here are just a few:
1. Have they factored in the effect that trains have on response times? Many of these routes are frequently blocked by trains
2. This does not seem to account for the nature of an industrial fire versus a residential fire. This is coming from someone who is currently working in a large warehouse full of old, dried wood.
3. Longer response times can negatively effect our insurance premiums, unlike residential coverage.
4. Does the number of trucks increase at the Quindaro location? That does not seem to be the case, and our 4 minute response would only come with 1 pumper truck.
5. The Quindaro house seems much smaller. Is it large enough for the increase in volume?
Good comments Dan! I will add these to our list of questions and concerns.
As I understand it #5 needs lots of improvement of the facility. Will there be any improvement in the facility in order to accomodate additional personnel? Will additional equipment be added (truck, pumper,)? What is the current call volume for #5; will the proposal increase the call volume for #5 and what effect will that have on the other areas that are covered by #5?
Why do we needed to close down a fire station in Fairfax , adding a other fire station which seems like a good idea increasing the number from 18 to19 station. I have a home very close to Fairfax I hear an see fire station # 5 constantly head toward Fairfax. I feel this would be a overload if UG close down any station, We the citizen of Wyandotte deserve better!