Unified Government of WyCo/KCK County Administrator, Doug Bach, was our featured speaker at FIA’s November luncheon. He gave a very informative presentation and for those who could not attend, the Powerpoint deck can be found here. It’s also displayed below.
There is a new app available to everyone now called myWyco. Available on Android and iOS, you can download this app on your phone and report any city related issues or requests such as potholes, faulty street lights, etc. It is very easy to use and a great way for all of us as a community take care of our district. Check it out!
Thank you to Doug for speaking and for doing such a great job as our County Administrator! Your hard work is appreciated!
Thank you to Valerie Mussett and Design Mechanical for hosting our event.
Thank you to Fairfax Drainage District and Steve Dailey for sponsoring our luncheon and giving attendees an update on our sewers, drainage and levee.