As part of our upcoming Fairfax Festival on 10/7, we are offering a special offer to FIA members. On October 4th, there will will an exclusive VIP Media Event sponsored by the KCK Chamber of Commerce welcoming the B25-D home to Kansas City, Kansas at the Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport. Six lucky people will be eligible to fly on the B25-D Bomber at this VIP event.
Click here to purchase online raffle tickets to win a VIP ride on the B25-D Bomber for $25 through August 31, 2021. The drawing will be at the Fairfax Industrial Association September luncheon. You do not need to be in attendance in order to win.
Open to the Public
For those who wish to view the plane and meet the pilots and flight crew, you can do so after 3PM on 10/4, 10/5, 10/6 at Charles B. Wheeler Airport. You can also see the plane up until 1PM on 10/7, just prior to the flyover at the festival.
Yankee Air Museum is offering an Air Adventure Ride on this historical plane for $425. With only 36 spots available, this is a unique once is a life time experience! Click here for more info >>